Statement of the Independent Expert Commission on the Monitoring Process “Energy of the Future

Statement of the Independent Expert Commission on the Monitoring Process “Energy of the Future

On the way to climate neutrality – expert commission on monitoring presents statement

In its statement on the German government’s monitoring report, the expert commission on the “Energy of the Future” monitoring process discusses the path to climate neutrality by 2050 set out in the EU’s Green Deal. The foreseeable increase in the European climate target to at least 55 % instead of the previous 40 % reduction in emissions by 2030 will have far-reaching consequences for the energy transition in Germany. Many of the existing policies need to be further developed, as there are significant shortcomings in particular in the area of energy efficiency and renewable energies in the transport and heating sectors. An energy price reform with risingCO2 prices should be at the centre of a clever mix of instruments.


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